Thursday, April 19, 2012

Women have had to fight long and hard for the rights that they should have already had. If you actually sit back and think about it women have just gained the right to speak freely recently. It was not until the 1900s’ that women had the right to speak out and express her feelings. To disagree with a man and decide what she wanted to do for herself was unheard of. But not every woman has the same rights that you may have. Many women in other countries still live in a world where a mans’ word is golden and set in stone. They live a life to obey and to please their men in their life. For me being able to express my thoughts freely without being punished or looked down upon never felt so rewarding. I know appreciate and take advantage of the fact that I have these rights that women before me have fought for. All women should have these rights and take advantage of them. Don’t sit back and let people talk for you. Express how you feel and let people know that you do have a voice. Stand up for what you believe in. Don’t let the women who fought so hard for these rights waste their time.  

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