Thursday, April 19, 2012

Even though many women and men joined the fight for equal rights many did oppose.  The media was the main attackers towards the Women’s Right Movement. “The first generation of women’s magazines emphasized that a girl must learn her proper place in a society by an early age”. Women were not allowed to consider put themselves first. One paper by the name of “New York Tribune” wrote “Our hearts warm with pity towards these unfortunate creatures. We fancy that we can see them, deserted of men, and bereft of those enjoyments and exalted privileges which belong to women, languishing their unhappy lives away in a mournful singleness”. In this statement they labeled women as creatures not human beings that have rights. They believe that the only role for a woman is to be a wife and to take care of the household and their kids. To put her husband, father, brother, and sons’ rights before her own. She was to please the life of a man and acknowledge when one spoke.  Some men praised this practice and saw no other way of living. Women kept their mouths shut in fear of punishment and losing their family. The media described women who fought for equal rights as abandoning their wifely responsibilities.
Streitmatter, Rodger. Mightier Than The Sword. 2nd. Westview Press, 2008. 41-57. Print.

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